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[show]Video analytics software is a powerful surveillance tool that enhances any security camera, turning it into a proactive crime-fighting solution. We explore some of the key benefits and applications here.
Video analytics software is a powerful surveillance tool that enhances any security camera, turning it into a proactive crime-fighting solution.
Providing security for business premises, construction job sites, parking lots, oil and gas pipelines, and cities and municipalities continues to be an ongoing concern for many, so surveillance systems need to develop in a way that helps keep them ahead of the mounting security challenges.
Video analytics is one recent development that helps surveillance cameras meet today's security needs.
But what is video analytics? How can video analytics help you fight and reduce crime? Why do you need video analytics software? And what kind of organizations should be investing in video analytics?
WCCTV, the USA's leading supplier of mobile video surveillance cameras, outlines below the answers to these questions and details how our edge-based analytics software is assisting end-users across the USA right now.
Video analytics, or intelligent video analytics, are software programs that can be applied to video surveillance streams to detect, in near real-time, a series of predefined events, patterns, or behavior types.
The algorithms within the software can be utilized to:
detect a person or vehicle entering a restricted area
identity traffic movement (such as traffic traveling in the wrong direction)
detect a person or object loitering in an area
count and/or classifying objects
When deployed specially for security purposes, video analytics can significantly reduce or remove the workload associated with monitoring video streams for activity, and helps to increase the chance of detecting a crime.
Such is the effectiveness of modern video analytics software; it can deliver a range of benefits to multiple business types. Below, WCCTV outlines some key applications where video analytics can assist.
Adding video analytics to your construction site security cameras provides an extra layer of certainty that your valuable materials and machinery will be protected.
The intrusion detection functionality within WCCTV's video analytics software will trigger an alert when someone is seen entering your job sites.
This alert can be sent to WCCTV's partner Interactive Surveillance Operations Center (ISOC), who will verify the alert, issue an audio challenge to the intruders, and dispatch law enforcement or security patrols if required.
Parking Lots attract a range of criminal activity, including vandalism, theft, and vehicular crimes.
Adding video analytics to your parking lot security cameras enhances their capabilities by allowing them to automatically detect unauthorized intrusions, people or vehicles entering into restricted areas, and people or vehicles loitering in defined areas.
Any triggered alerts can be directly linked to our partner ISOC, who can issue an audio warning or dispatch security patrols/law enforcement.
Adding video analytics to law enforcement pole cameras can assist with crime prevention and investigation applications.
Video analytics can be configured to detect items left in a predefined zone, which could be utilized to detect and alert of an illegal dumping event.
Video analytics is also a powerful tool for traffic monitoring, helping detect illegal maneuvers or traffic congestion.
When using video analytics, the opportunities for law enforcement and crime prevention are vast; speak to one of WCCTV's video surveillance experts today to discuss your applications.
Some of the key real-world benefits of using video analytics software include:
Video analytics effectively removes the requirement for your team to monitor cameras for activity constantly; the software will detect and alert you when one of its parameters is met.
This is an invaluable cost and time-saving solution.
By utilizing video analytics, you are significantly more likely to pinpoint the exact moment in your video recordings when a crime happened. This makes finding, downloading, and utilizing video in your criminal investigations easier.
The automatic alerts raised by Video Analytics give you real-time situational awareness of potential crimes at your properties. This allows for a dynamic response (audio challenges, alarm trigger, despatching of guards and law enforcement) to prevent a crime in progress.
Although video analytics works off a complex range of learning and algorithms, configuring the program to meet your requirements is incredibly easy.
If you are working with WCCTV cameras with built-in video analytics, we can assist you with setting up and testing the software and provide training to self-manage the cameras.
If you already have WCCTV's pole cameras deployed, you can immediately take advantage of our video analytics software without replacing your cameras. Contact us today to find out how this works.
Ready to learn more about how WCCTV's mobile surveillance cameras with built-in video analytics capability can improve safety and security for your business? Contact us today on 877 805-9475 to email sales@wcctv.com to arrange a demonstration.
[hide]A more flexible and convenient solution to your security and surveillance challenges is just a step away. Get in touch with our security experts and let us know how we can help.